Here is a dump of some little javascript projects I've done. Links to git repos ought to come soon. Some are games, some are just visualization toys.

zoomcow 2015-2-26
nngm2014 2014-11-26
random_word 2014-11-15
fair-weighting 2014-10-17
zuvodat 2014-8-15
fieldwalking 2014-5-21
utsperk 2014-5-3
ld29 2014-4-25
parking 2014-4-3
306090 2014-2-17
hexagon_robot 2014-2-8
imnereskne 2013-12-26
stollarong 2013-12-17
continents 2013-8-17
roads 2013-8-14
concrete_syntax2 2012-1-17
concrete_syntax 2012-1-14
heron 2011-8-22
penrose 2011-5-27
plumb2 2011-1-21
plumb 2011-1-15
gridfont 1995-7-6