Here is every graph on no more than 6 vertices.

Here is the code for, which parsed the output of the Nauty program geng to produce this xhtml file:

$SPACING = 60;
$OFFSET = 75;
$SIZE = 20;

sub line {
  my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
  qq(<line x1="$x1" x2="$x2" y1="$y1" y2="$y2"/>\n);

sub circle {
  my ($x, $y, $r) = @_;
  qq(<circle cx="$x" cy="$y" r="$r"/>\n);

$svg = qq(<svg width="$TOTAL_WIDTH" height="$SPACING" version="1.1"
$header = <<EOF;
<html xmlns="">
pre { margin: 20px 100px; padding: 0px 50px; }
pre, tt { background-color: rgb(200,200,200); }
line { stroke: rgb(30,80,110); }
circle { fill:rgb(185,120,80); }
Here is every graph on no more than 6 vertices.<br/>

open IN, $0 or die $!;
{local $/; $self = <IN>;}
$self =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$self =~ s/</&lt;/g;

$self_ad = <<EOF;
Here is the code for <tt></tt>, which parsed the output
of the <a href="">Nauty</a> program
<tt>geng</tt> to produce this xhtml file:
In particular, I did the following:
<pre>bash\$ ./geng 1 > g
bash\$ ./geng 2 >> g
bash\$ ./geng 3 >> g
bash\$ ./geng 4 >> g
bash\$ ./geng 5 >> g
bash\$ ./geng 6 >> g
bash\$ ./ g > graphs.xhtml</pre>

$footer = <<EOF;

print $header;

sub xc { cos ($_[0] * 2 * 3.1415926535) }
sub yc { sin ($_[0] * 2 * 3.1415926535) }

sub render {
  my ($x, $y, $n, $g) = @_;
  my $buf = "";

  for my $i ((0..$n-2)) {
    for my $j (($i+1..$n-1)) {
      $g->[($j * ($j-1)) / 2 + $i] and
	$buf .= line($x + $SIZE * xc($i/$n), $y + $SIZE * yc($i/$n),
		     $x + $SIZE * xc($j/$n), $y + $SIZE * yc($j/$n));
  for (0..$n-1) {
    $buf .= circle($x + $SIZE * xc($_/$n), $y + $SIZE * yc($_/$n), $CIRCSIZE);

  return $buf;

my $t = 0;

while (<>) {
  my ($esize, $egraph) = /^(.)(.*)/;
  my $size = (ord $esize) - 63;
  my $bits = join ("", map {sprintf("%06b", ord($_) - 63);} (split //, $egraph));
  if ($t % $ROW_LENGTH == 0 && $t != 0) { print "</svg><br/>$svg\n" }
  print render($OFFSET + ($t % $ROW_LENGTH) * $SPACING,
	       $OFFSET / 2,
	       $size, [split //, $bits]);

print $footer;
In particular, I did the following:
bash$ ./geng 1 > g
bash$ ./geng 2 >> g
bash$ ./geng 3 >> g
bash$ ./geng 4 >> g
bash$ ./geng 5 >> g
bash$ ./geng 6 >> g
bash$ ./ g > graphs.xhtml